Week 1 Homework; confidence pushing with lead foot balance drills

To build confidence pushing, you can spend 5 minutes each day at home doing this leading foot drill on your skateboard.

Working on carpet, place your front foot (you already know your stance) on the board over the bolts in push position (refer to Standing on your board). Now lift the back foot off the floor, and balance on that front foot. The trucks will flex as you maintain balance.

Try and hold this position for as long as you can. Each time try and balance for longer.

Increase difficulty based upon the roughness of the floor

At first do this on the carpet so the board doesn’t move around. As you get better at this, move to smoother floor; lino, or rough tarmac. Eventually do it rolling along.

Build truck ‘feel’

Spend 5 minutes practicing this each day. In combination with the 3 other basic drills, it will soften the bushings in your trucks, and build your familiarity with the feel of your trucks.  

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